WHY You Absolutely Need to Switch Your Website to HTTPS!
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used in transmitting data across the Internet. It is a set of rules to be followed by all parties so that information can be transferred between humans and servers. When you type a website address into your browser, your computer (acts as the client) will request data from the server; the whole process involves HTTP network.
If the server you use stores confidential information of your customers, the connection to transmit these information to and fro must be secure to prevent malware attacks or unauthorized access. To have secure connections, a website must install SSL Certificate. Upon successful installation, when your website is visited, the Internet browser will display a green padlock icon in the address bar which indicates secure browsing.
Develop Customer Trust
SSL certificates are generally affordable, costing as low as S$59 per month. Most web hosting providers offer free installation to their customers so that they can enjoy peace of mind. SSL is important to ensure secure online transactions (online credit card transaction, form submission for eCommerce websites). It also acts as a protection for spoofing and phishing scams, and secure submissions of web forms on e-commerce sites.
Increase Your Google Search Ranking
In 2014, Google announced that it would include HTTPS as one of its Google search ranking signals. This was definitely a good news for websites that are installed with SSL certificate as they would enjoy higher ranking on Search Engine Result Page (SERP) than their competitors who haven’t acted so.
Check out the official announcement made by Google as below:
So to make sure you don’t lose your traffic, it’s highly recommeded to have SSL certificate installed on your website.
All Confidential Information Will be Encrypted
Credit card numbers, billing numbers, personal photos, bank account numbers, TAC etc are highly confidential information that must be protected against hackers.
With SSL certificate, all financial records, user authentication and other confidential information will be encrypted. In other words, customers who shop and buy from your website can leave without leaving a trace of their personal and financial information on your website or the Internet.
Your Site Visitors Will Trust You
It means all messages, photos, files and calls are secured from unauthorized third parties.
With this, there is not a need to install any secret chat programs to encrypt your message on WhatsApp, which makes it extremely safe to use WhatsApp.
Browser shows warning for non-HTTPS
When you click on the links of those non-HTTPS websites, you will see a warning as below, which can mean possible serious security breaches.
Imagine you’re the site visitor, what would you do?
- WhatsApp Chat also uses HTTPS
WhatsApp, a popular messaging app, uses end-to-end encryption with their latest version. Have you seen the notification of end-to-end encryption on WhatsApp? In fact, it is SSL.
PayPal: HTTPS needed for all payments
PayPal has made it compulsory to have HTTPS for any payments. This is to maintain the highest security level and upgrades between merchants and customers for financial application transactions.
On a side note, your web host must use SHA-256 signing algorithm and discontinue using SSL connections that rely on VeriSign G2 Root Certificate.
So what are you waiting for? Get SSL Certificates Now at https://www.signetique.com/ssl